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Mowing Specs- Cedar Grove Cemeteries

The Town of Lyme will be accepting a one-year bid for the 2025 mowing season. This will include mowing, trimming and general pick up (twigs/branches) for the Old Cedar Grove Cemetery and New Cedar Grove Cemetery. The Cemeteries must be in excellent shape for Memorial and Labor Day weekends.

  1. Old Cedar Grove- 27372 Washington Street Chaumont

10 mowings/trimmings per instructions from cemetery director

  • New Cedar Grove- 10499 NY-12E Chaumont

14 mowings/trimmings per instructions from cemetery supervisor

The awarded lawn care professionals are responsible for providing their own equipment, maintenance and fuel. Proof of liability insurance of at least one million dollars must be provided. Quotes will be accepted until the closing of business at 4:00 p.m. on April 7th, 2025, and mailed to the Town Clerk’s Office, PO Box 66, Chaumont, NY 13622, or dropped off at the Town Offices at 12175 NYS Route 12E, Chaumont, NY 13622. Quotes will be reviewed, and awards will be made during the Regular Town Board Meeting to be held on Wednesday April 9, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. The Town Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.

March 18, 2025

Ariana Henderson

Town of Lyme Clerk

Parking on Three Mile Point

Public Hearing for Town of Lyme

The Town of Lyme will be holding a Public Hearing on Wednesday April 9, 2025, at 6:15 p.m. at the Town of Lyme Office 12175 NYS Route 12E, Chaumont, NY 13622 to consider the proposed Local Law to restrict parking on Three Mile Point from November to May 1st in the Town of Lyme. The regular monthly meeting and any other business that may come before the Board will follow. A full text of the above referenced laws are on file with the Town Clerk and may be inspected during normal business hours. All persons wishing to be heard on the issue should be present at the time and place set forth or have written comments submitted to the Town Board or Clerk prior to that date and time. Any person requiring special accommodations to participate in such Public Hearing should notify the Town Clerk at 315-649-2788 at least 3 business days prior to the hearing.

Dated March 13, 2025


Town of Lyme

Ariana Henderson, Town Clerk

Joint Meeting 3/27/25

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Lyme will hold a special meeting with the Water Board and Barton and Loguidice regarding the proposed Water District #6 at 6:00 P.M., March 27, 2025, at the Town Office, 12175 NYS RTE 12E, Chaumont, NY.

Ariana E. Henderson

Town of Lyme Clerk

Notice to residents: DANC Maintenance

Please be advised that the Development Authority of the North Country (DANC) will be scheduling above-ground water line maintenance on all properties accommodating the main service line from the Town of Brownville to Cape Vincent. This includes all Town of Lyme and Village of Chaumont residents on the line. The Town of Lyme Department of Works will be working with DANC to manage this landscaping project along the length of the line within our jurisdiction.

This collaborative enterprise will begin in Brownville, March 13, 2025 and will continue until further notice. Thank you for your understanding.

Executive Session Meeting 2/26/2025

The Lyme Town Board will hold an Executive Session meeting on Wednesday, February 26, 2025, at 4:00 P.M. at the Town Office, 12175 NYS RTE 12E, Chaumont, NY, 13622. The Town Board will be presented with information that is confidential and protected by attorney-client privilege.

Cleaner- Veteran’s Park

The Town of Lyme is seeking an experienced cleaner for the restroom facilities at Veteran’s Park 12200 NYS Route 12E, Chaumont, NY 13622, to begin in April 2025. The restrooms would need to be cleaned at least twice a week and after scheduled events

Applications are available at the Lyme Town Office, 12175 NYS Route 12E, Chaumont, NY 13622 and online at Please submit applications and resumes to the Lyme Town Clerk, PO Box 66, Chaumont, NY 13622. For more information call 315-649-2788.

Town of Lyme Clerk

Ariana Henderson

Abandoned Cemeteries Mowing Bid Specs

The Town of Lyme will be accepting a one-year bid for the 2025 mowing season. This will include mowing, trimming and general pick up (twigs/branches) for the Abandoned Cemeteries (7).

1.            Emerson Cemetery- Robinson Road (Chaumont, NY 13622)

2.            Putnam Cemetery- County Route 57 by Lyme Transfer Site

(Transfer Site Address 27990 County Route 57 Three Mile Bay, NY 13693)

3.            Point Peninsula Cemetery- Point Peninsula Village Three Mile Bay, NY 13693

4.            Wells Cemetery- Ashland Road (Chaumont, NY 13622)

5.            Point Salubrious Cemetery- End of Point Salubrious (County Route 125 Chaumont, NY 13622)

6.            Barnes Bay Cemetery- Wilson Lane (Chaumont, NY 13622)

7.            Fox Creek Cemetery- Valley Road (County Route 6 Three Mile Bay, NY 13693)

The Cemeteries must be in excellent shape for Memorial and Labor Day weekends and mowed and trimmed once every two weeks thereafter until September 15th.

The awarded lawn care professionals are responsible for providing their own equipment, maintenance and fuel. Proof of liability insurance of at least one million dollars must be provided. Quotes will be accepted until the closing of business at 4:00 p.m. on March 10, 2025, and mailed to the Town Clerk’s Office, PO Box 66, Chaumont, NY 13622, or dropped off at the Town Offices at 12175 NYS Route 12E, Chaumont, NY 13622. Quotes will be reviewed, and awards will be made during the Regular Town Board Meeting to be held on Wednesday March 12, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. The Town Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.

February 18, 2025

Ariana Henderson

Town of Lyme Clerk

Three Mile Bay Cemetery Mowing Bid Specs

The Town of Lyme will be accepting a one-year bid for the 2025 mowing season. This will include mowing, trimming and general pick up (twigs/branches) of the Three Mile Bay Cemetery. Before submitting a quote, all parties must schedule a review of the cemetery with Julia Gosier (315-649-5452), the Three Mile Bay Cemetery Superintendent. The Cemetery must be in excellent shape for Memorial and Labor Day weekends. Other mowing will be on a judgment basis between the awarded lawn care professional and Superintendent Gosier. The awarded lawn care professionals are responsible for providing their own equipment, maintenance and fuel. Proof of liability insurance of at least one million dollars must be provided. Quotes will be accepted until the closing of business at 4:00 p.m. on March 10, 2025, and mailed to the Town Clerk’s Office, PO Box 66, Chaumont, NY 13622, or dropped off at the Town Offices at 12175 NYS Route 12E, Chaumont, NY 13622. Quotes will be reviewed, and awards will be made during the regular Town Board meeting to be held on Wednesday March 12, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. The Town Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.

Town of Lyme Clerk

Ariana Henderson

Mowing Bid Specs Ball Fields/Veteran’s Park – 2025

The Town of Lyme will be accepting a one-year bid for the 2025 mowing season.  

* NYS Route 12E Ball Fields and Grounds (10745 NYS Route 12E, Chaumont, NY 13622)  – Mowed twice weekly (preferably Mondays & Wednesdays before 4 p.m.) and trimmed once a week from May 1st thru July 31st and mowed once a week thereafter until October 15th.

* G. Spence Donaldson Memorial Field (12508 Morris Tract Rd, Chaumont, NY 13622)) Ball Field and Grounds – mowed and trimmed twice a week May 1st-July 31st and once a week until September 30th

*Veteran’s Memorial Park (12200 NYS Route 12E, Chaumont, NY 13622)- mowed and trimmed once a week May 1st to July 31st Flower beds weeded and maintained as needed

Quotes will be accepted until the closing of business on Monday March 10, 2025, and can be mailed to the Town Clerk’s Office, PO Box 66 Chaumont, NY 13622 or dropped off at the Town Offices at 12175 NYS Route 12E, Chaumont, NY. The awarded lawn care professionals are responsible for providing their own equipment, maintenance and fuel. Proof of liability insurance of at least one million dollars must be provided. Quotes will be reviewed, and awards will be made during the Regular Town Board Meeting, to be held on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. The Town Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.

February 18, 2025

Ariana Henderson

Town of Lyme Clerk

2025 Water Rates Public Hearing

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Lyme Board shall conduct a Public Hearing on Wednesday February 12, 2025 at 6:15 p.m. at the Town Municipal Offices located at 12175 NYS RT 12E, Chaumont, NY to consider the adoption of the 2025 Water Rates for the Town’s Water Districts #1 thru #5.

                                                                  Bi-monthly Rates Per EDU

                  WD # 1                      Debt                          $14.00          Water Reserve O&M            $9.00

                                                      O&M                         $15.00          Water Reserve Capital            $3.00

                  WD# 2                       Debt                          $35.00          Water Reserve O&M            $9.00

                                                      O&M                         $19.00          Water Reserve Capital            $3.00

                  WD# 3                       O&M                         $5.00             Water Reserve O&M            $9.00

                                                                                                          Water Reserve Capital            $3.00

                  WD# 4                       Debt                          $25.00          Water Reserve O&M            $9.00

                                                      O&M                         $19.00          Water Reserve Capital            $3.00

                  WD# 5                       Debt                          $56.00          Water Reserve O&M            $9.00

                                                      O&M                         $20.00          Water Reserve Capital            $3.00

A full text of the above referenced law are on file with the Town Clerk and may be inspected during normal business hours. All persons wishing to be heard on the issue should be present at the time and place set forth or have written comments submitted to the Town Board or Clerk prior to that date and time. Any person requiring special accommodations to participate in such Public Hearing should notify the Town Clerk at 315-649-2788 or email at least 3 business days prior to the hearing.

Town of Lyme Board