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PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Local law has been introduced by the Town Board of the Town of

Lyme to establish a Town Wide Twelve (12) Month Moratorium on all Mining, Quarrying, and Heavy

Industrial Operations. 

The Local Law Prohibits any Enforcement Office, the Zoning Board of Appeals, or the Planning Board

from processing, reviewing, rendering any determination, granting any variance, or approval with

respect to any Mining, Quarrying, and Heavy Industrial Operations during the duration of the


The Local Law declares that t violation shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed $250 and/or injunctive

relief to prohibit such activities. 

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing upon the Local Law will be held at the Town Offices, 12175

NYS Route 12E, Lyme, New York on November 13, 2024, at 6:20 PM and that an opportunity to be heard in regard thereto will then and there be given to all persons. 

Ariana Henderson

Town of Lyme Clerk